Image of Jurnal Ners - Vol. 19 No. 4 (2024) November 2024


Jurnal Ners - Vol. 19 No. 4 (2024) November 2024

Jurnal Ners provides a forum for original research and scholarships relevant to nursing and other health related professions. Jurnal Ners is a scientific peer-reviewed nursing journal that is published four times a year (February, May, August, and November) by the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, in collaboration with the Indonesian National Nurses Association.

The journal particularly welcomes studies that aim to evaluate and understand the complex nursing care interventions which employ the most rigorous designs and methods appropriate for the research question of interest. The journal has been publishing original peer-reviewed articles of interest to the international nursing community since 2007, making it one of the longest standing repositories of scholarship in this field.

Jurnal Ners offers authors the benefits of (1) A highly respected journal in the nursing field; (2) Indexed in major databases, such as SCOPUS, Science and Technology Index (SINTA); Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ); (3) Rapid initial screening for suitability and editorial interest. This journal is published and managed by The Institute of Innovation, Journals Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI). The link to the publisher is here.

Jurnal Ners has been accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology since 2010 with Accreditation Number 72/E/KPT/2024.

Original Article

1. Lived experiences of hypertensive older adults living alone in Kendari City: a phenomenological aprroach
Asminarsih Zainal Prio , junaiti Sahar , Etty Rekawati

2. Exploring empathy of nursing students and the extent of their clinical experiences: a cross-case analysis
Pia Gabrielle E. CabataƱa , Yosef Liam A. Dacayana , Jarrean B. Jabagat , Daisy R. Palompon

3. Barriers and enablers to the implementation of person-centred care in an Indonesian hospital: a qualitative study
Wan Nishfa Dewi , Elda Nazriati

4. Chronic energy deficiency in young pregnant women in rural Indonesia: an analysis of basic health survey 2018
Titik Kuntari , Utami Utami , Vita Widyasari , Sri Supadmi , Emi Azmi Choironi

5. Factors, barriers and adherence of nurses to patient education in public hospitals of Lanao del Sur, Philippines
Naseha M. Omar , Naima D. Mala , Ashley A. Bangcola

6. The performance of physical activity and health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure: a cross-sectional study
Denny Maurits Ruku , Hsing Mei Chen

7. A pilot translation and adaptation of the Diabetes Obstacle Questionnaire (DOQ) to measure obstacles and challenges in diabetes management for people with diabetes in Indonesia
Niken Safitri Dyan Kusumaningrum , Fitria Handayani

Effectiveness of prone position with its moderating factors in non-intubated acute respiratory distress syndrome patients: a meta-analysis
Julianus Yudhistira Tan , Via Eliadora Togatorop , Dheni Koerniawan , Cecep Eli Kosasih , Henny Suzana Mediani

9. Psychometric validation of the nursing professional values scale-revised: Vietnamese version
Mei-Chih Huang , Thi-Phuong-Thao Pham

10. Parental support and influencing factors for school-age children's healthy movement behavior: a cross-sectional study
Praba Diyan Rachmawati , Ilya Krisnana , Retnayu Pradanie , Nuzul Qur'aniati , Yuni Sufyanti Arief , Mustika Milenia Dwi Tunjung Biru , Meirina Nur Asih , Pratuma Rithpho , Iqlima Dwi Kurnia

11. The dementia certified nurse process for acquiring knowledge for care of older adult patients with dementia in acute care hospitals: a qualitative descriptive study
Sonoko Kabaya , Tayo Nagahata , I Gede Juanamasta

A systematic review and meta-analysis of sleep hygiene implementation and its effect on sleep quality and fatigue in patients undergoing hemodialysis
Hesti Fathan Nurfais Fauziah , Erna Rochmawati , Aasim Padela


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Penerbit Uniersitas airlangga : Surabaya.,
Deskripsi Fisik
Tipe Isi
Jurnal Nasional Online
Tipe Media
Link Internet Online
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