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Nutrients - Volume 8, Issue 11 (November 2016)

Nutrients (ISSN 2072-6643) is an international, peer-reviewed open access advanced forum for publishing studies related to Human Nutrition. It publishes reviews, regular research papers and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their results in as much detail as possible. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.

Electronic files, software or other material, if unsuitable for publication as part of a manuscript, can be deposited as supplementary material.

Nutrients will consider manuscripts for publication that provide novel insights into the impacts of nutrition on human health or novel methods for assessing nutritional status. This includes manuscripts describing the outcomes of animal studies that have relevance to human health.

Manuscripts in the following subject areas will be considered for publication.


1. Probiotic Supplements Beneficially Affect Tryptophan–Kynurenine Metabolism and Reduce the Incidence of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Trained Athletes: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial
by Barbara Strasser,Daniela Geiger,Markus Schauer,Johanna M. Gostner,Hannes Gatterer,Martin Burtscher andDietmar Fuchs

2. Effect of Six-Month Diet Intervention on Sleep among Overweight and Obese Men with Chronic Insomnia Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial
by Xiao Tan,Markku Alén,Kun Wang,Jarkko Tenhunen,Petri Wiklund,Markku Partinen andSulin Cheng

3. Topical Application of Apricot Kernel Extract Improves Dry Eye Symptoms in a Unilateral Exorbital Lacrimal Gland Excision Mouse
by Chan-Sik Kim,Kyuhyung Jo,Ik-Soo Lee andJunghyun Kim

4. A Prospective Study of Serum Trace Elements in Healthy Korean Pregnant Women
by Rihwa Choi,Jiyu Sun,Heejin Yoo,Seonwoo Kim,Yoon Young Cho,Hye Jeong Kim,Sun Wook Kim,Jae Hoon Chung,Soo-young Oh andSoo-Youn Lee

5. Effects of Two-Year Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Supplementation on Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life in Older Adults with Elevated Homocysteine Concentrations: Additional Results from the B-PROOF Study, an RCT
by Elisa J. De Koning,Nikita L. Van der Zwaluw,Janneke P. Van Wijngaarden,Evelien Sohl,Elske M. Brouwer-Brolsma,Harm W. J. Van Marwijk,Anke W. Enneman,Karin M. A. Swart,Suzanne C. Van Dijk,Annelies C. Ham,Nathalie Van der Velde,André G. Uitterlinden,Brenda W. J. H. Penninx,Petra J. M. Elders,Paul Lips,Rosalie A. M. Dhonukshe-Rutten,Natasja M. Van Schoor andLisette C. P. G. M. De Groot

6. Nutrition, One-Carbon Metabolism and Neural Tube Defects: A Review
by Kelei Li,Mark L. Wahlqvist andDuo Li

7. Retinol Dehydrogenases Regulate Vitamin A Metabolism for Visual Function
by Bhubanananda Sahu andAkiko Maeda

8. Ellagic Acid Inhibits Bladder Cancer Invasiveness and In Vivo Tumor Growth
by Claudia Ceci,Lucio Tentori,Maria Grazia Atzori,Pedro M. Lacal,Elena Bonanno,Manuel Scimeca,Rosella Cicconi,Maurizio Mattei,Maria Gabriella De Martino,Giuseppe Vespasiani,Roberto Miano andGrazia Graziani

9. Fish Consumption and Age-Related Macular Degeneration Incidence: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies
by Wei Zhu,Yan Wu,Yi-Fang Meng,Qian Xing,Jian-Jun Tao andJiong Lu

10. Fluid Intake of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women in Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Survey with a Seven-Day Fluid Specific Record
by Saptawati Bardosono,Damar Prasmusinto,Diah R. Hadiati,Bangun T. Purwaka,Clementine Morin,Rizki Pohan,Diana Sunardi,Dian N. Chandra andIsabelle Guelinckx

11. Curcumin and Boswellia serrata Modulate the Glyco-Oxidative Status and Lipo-Oxidation in Master Athletes
by Nino Cristiano Chilelli,Eugenio Ragazzi,Romina Valentini,Chiara Cosma,Stefania Ferraresso,Annunziata Lapolla andGiovanni Sartore

12. Dietary Intake, Body Composition, and Menstrual Cycle Changes during Competition Preparation and Recovery in a Drug-Free Figure Competitor: A Case Study
by Tanya M. Halliday,Jeremy P. Loenneke andBrenda M. Davy

13. The Effects of Mild Gestational Hyperglycemia on Exclusive Breastfeeding Cessation
by Sergio Verd,Diego De Sotto,Consuelo Fernández andAntonio Gutiérrez

14. Dose-Response Relationship between Dietary Magnesium Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
by Xin Fang,Hedong Han,Mei Li,Chun Liang,Zhongjie Fan,Jan Aaseth,Jia He,Scott Montgomery andYang Cao

15. Beverage Consumption Habits around the World: The Burden of Disease Attributable to Hydration
by Lluis Serra-Majem andMariela Nissensohn

16. Randomized Prospective Double-Blind Studies to Evaluate the Cognitive Effects of Inositol-Stabilized Arginine Silicate in Healthy Physically Active Adults
by Douglas Kalman,Philip D. Harvey,Sara Perez Ojalvo andJames Komorowski

17. Inflammatory Properties of Diet and Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis in a Cohort of Iranian Adults
by Nazanin Moslehi,Behnaz Ehsani,Parvin Mirmiran,Nitin Shivappa,Maryam Tohidi,James R. Hébert andFereidoun Azizi

18. Beneficial Effects of Pterocarpan-High Soybean Leaf Extract on Metabolic Syndrome in Overweight and Obese Korean Subjects: Randomized Controlled Trial
by Ri Ryu,Tae-Sook Jeong,Ye Jin Kim,Ji-Young Choi,Su-Jung Cho,Eun-Young Kwon,Un Ju Jung,Hyeon-Seon Ji,Dong-Ha Shin andMyung-Sook Choi

19. The Combined Application of the Caco-2 Cell Bioassay Coupled with In Vivo (Gallus gallus) Feeding Trial Represents an Effective Approach to Predicting Fe Bioavailability in Humans
by Elad Tako,Haim Bar andRaymond P. Glahn

20. An Exploratory Investigation of Endotoxin Levels in Novice Long Distance Triathletes, and the Effects of a Multi-Strain Probiotic/Prebiotic, Antioxidant Intervention
by Justin D. Roberts,Craig A. Suckling,Georgia Y. Peedle,Joseph A. Murphy,Tony G. Dawkins andMichael G. Roberts

21. Anticancer Effects of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Extract and Rosemary Extract Polyphenols
by Jessy Moore,Michael Yousef andEvangelia Tsiani

22. Dietary Protein Sources and Incidence of Breast Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies
by Jing Wu,Rong Zeng,Junpeng Huang,Xufeng Li,Jiren Zhang,James Chung-Man Ho andYanfang Zheng

23. Parenchymal and Stromal Cells Contribute to Pro-Inflammatory Myocardial Environment at Early Stages of Diabetes: Protective Role of Resveratrol
by Monia Savi,Leonardo Bocchi,Roberto Sala,Caterina Frati,Costanza Lagrasta,Denise Madeddu,Angela Falco,Serena Pollino,Letizia Bresciani,Michele Miragoli,Massimiliano Zaniboni,Federico Quaini,Daniele Del Rio andDonatella Stilli

24. Black Tea Increases Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Improves Flow Mediated Dilatation Counteracting Deleterious Effects from a Fat Load in Hypertensive Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study
by Davide Grassi,Richard Draijer,Casper Schalkwijk,Giovambattista Desideri,Anatolia D’Angeli,Sandro Francavilla,Theo Mulder andClaudio Ferri

25. Causes, Consequences and Public Health Implications of Low B-Vitamin Status in Ageing
by Kirsty Porter,Leane Hoey,Catherine F. Hughes,Mary Ward andHelene McNulty

26. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Peak Torque Differences between Vegetarian and Omnivore Endurance Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study
by Heidi M. Lynch,Christopher M. Wharton andCarol S. Johnston

27. Development of a Web-Based 24-h Dietary Recall for a French-Canadian Population
by Simon Jacques,Simone Lemieux,Benoît Lamarche,Catherine Laramée,Louise Corneau,Annie Lapointe,Maude Tessier-Grenier andJulie Robitaille


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Volume 8, Issue 11 (November 2016)
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