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Nutrients - Volume 8, Issue 4 (April 2016)

Nutrients (ISSN 2072-6643) is an international, peer-reviewed open access advanced forum for publishing studies related to Human Nutrition. It publishes reviews, regular research papers and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their results in as much detail as possible. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.

Electronic files, software or other material, if unsuitable for publication as part of a manuscript, can be deposited as supplementary material.

Nutrients will consider manuscripts for publication that provide novel insights into the impacts of nutrition on human health or novel methods for assessing nutritional status. This includes manuscripts describing the outcomes of animal studies that have relevance to human health.

Manuscripts in the following subject areas will be considered for publication.


1. Long Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation Alleviates Doxorubicin-Induced Depressive-Like Behaviors and Neurotoxicity in Rats: Involvement of Oxidative Stress and Neuroinflammation
by Yan-Qin Wu,Rui-Li Dang,Mi-Mi Tang,Hua-Lin Cai,Huan-De Li,De-Hua Liao,Xin He,Ling-Juan Cao,Ying Xue andPei Jiang

2. Cocoa Diet Prevents Antibody Synthesis and Modifies Lymph Node Composition and Functionality in a Rat Oral Sensitization Model
by Mariona Camps-Bossacoma,Mar Abril-Gil,Sandra Saldaña-Ruiz,Àngels Franch,Francisco J. Pérez-Cano andMargarida Castell

3. The Association between Sweet Taste Function, Anthropometry, and Dietary Intake in Adults
by Julia Y. Q. Low,Kathleen E. Lacy,Robert McBride andRussell S. J. Keast

4. Literature Review and Meta-Analysis on Micronutrient Fortified Condiments and Noodles: Reduction of Anemia in Children and Adults
by Olatokunbo Osibogun,Adriana Campa andPurnima Madhivanan

5. Association between Dietary Patterns and the Risk of Hypertension among Chinese: A Cross-Sectional Study
by Pei-Fen Zheng,Long Shu,Xiao-Yan Zhang,Cai-Juan Si,Xiao-Long Yu,Wei Gao,Xiao-Qing Tong andLun Zhang

6. An Evaluation of the Pea Pod System for Assessing Body Composition of Moderately Premature Infants
by Elisabet Forsum,Elisabeth Olhager andCaroline Törnqvist

7. N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Improve Liver Lipid Oxidation-Related Enzyme Levels and Increased the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor α Expression Level in Mice Subjected to Hemorrhagic Shock/Resuscitation
by Li Zhang,Feng Tian,Xuejin Gao,Xinying Wang,Chao Wu,Ning Li andJieshou Li

8. Vitamin D and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Literature Review
by Hajar Mazahery,Carlos A. Camargo,Cathryn Conlon,Kathryn L. Beck,Marlena C. Kruger andPamela R. Von Hurst

9. Dietary Impact of Adding Potassium Chloride to Foods as a Sodium Reduction Technique
by Leo Van Buren,Mariska Dötsch-Klerk,Gila Seewi andRachel S. Newson

10. Effect of a School-Based Intervention on Nutritional Knowledge and Habits of Low-Socioeconomic School Children in Israel: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
by Vered Kaufman-Shriqui,Drora Fraser,Michael Friger,Dikla Geva,Natalya Bilenko,Hillel Vardi,Naama Elhadad,Karen Mor,Zvi Feine andDanit R. Shahar

11. Oral Resveratrol Prevents Osteoarthritis Progression in C57BL/6J Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet
by Hailun Gu,Keyu Li,Xingyao Li,Xiaolu Yu,Wei Wang,Lifeng Ding andLi Liu

12. Beverage Consumption Habits and Association with Total Water and Energy Intakes in the Spanish Population: Findings of the ANIBES Study
by Mariela Nissensohn,Almudena Sánchez-Villegas,Rosa M. Ortega,Javier Aranceta-Bartrina,Ángel Gil,Marcela González-Gross,Gregorio Varela-Moreiras andLluis Serra-Majem

13. Cordycepin Prevents Bone Loss through Inhibiting Osteoclastogenesis by Scavenging ROS Generation
by Ce Dou,Zhen Cao,Ning Ding,Tianyong Hou,Fei Luo,Fei Kang,Xiaochao Yang,Hong Jiang,Zhao Xie,Min Hu,Jianzhong Xu andShiwu Dong

14. Link between Food Energy Density and Body Weight Changes in Obese Adults
by Marta Stelmach-Mardas,Tomasz Rodacki,Justyna Dobrowolska-Iwanek,Anna Brzozowska,Jarosław Walkowiak,Agnieszka Wojtanowska-Krosniak,Paweł Zagrodzki,Angela Bechthold,Marcin Mardas andHeiner Boeing

15. Micronutrient Intakes and Incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study
by Hossein Farhadnejad,Golaleh Asghari,Parvin Mirmiran,Emad Yuzbashian andFereidoun Azizi

16. A Pilot Study: Dietary Energy Density is Similar between Active Women with and without Exercise-Associated Menstrual Dysfunction
by Taryn M. Hand,Stephanie Howe,Lynn Cialdella-Kam,Charlotte P. Guebels Hoffman andMelinda Manore

17. Reply to C. Stewart’s Letter to the Editor Re: Teoh SL et al., Nutrients 2016, 8, 57
by Siew Li Teoh,Suthinee Sudfangsai,Pisake Lumbiganon,Malinee Laopaiboon,Nai Ming Lai andNathorn Chaiyakunapruk

18. Insulin Protects Hepatic Lipotoxicity by Regulating ER Stress through the PI3K/Akt/p53 Involved Pathway Independently of Autophagy Inhibition
by Hua Ning,Zongxiang Sun,Yunyun Liu,Lei Liu,Liuyi Hao,Yaxin Ye,Rennan Feng,Jie Li,Ying Li,Xia Chu,Songtao Li andChanghao Sun

19. Nutrient Patterns and Their Food Sources in Older Persons from France and Quebec: Dietary and Lifestyle Characteristics
by Benjamin Allès,Cécilia Samieri,Simon Lorrain,Marthe-Aline Jutand,Pierre-Hugues Carmichael,Bryna Shatenstein,Pierrette Gaudreau,Hélène Payette,Danielle Laurin andPascale Barberger-Gateau

20. Inequalities in Nutrition between Cambodian Women over the Last 15 Years (2000–2014)
by Valérie Greffeuille,Prak Sophonneary,Arnaud Laillou,Ludovic Gauthier,Rathmony Hong,Rathavuth Hong,Etienne Poirot,Marjoleine Dijkhuizen,Frank Wieringa andJacques Berger

21. Nitrogen Balance and Protein Requirements for Critically Ill Older Patients
by Roland N. Dickerson

22. No Effect of Exercise Intensity on Appetite in Highly-Trained Endurance Women
by Stephanie M. Howe,Taryn M. Hand,D. Enette Larson-Meyer,Kathleen J. Austin,Brenda M. Alexander andMelinda M. Manore

23. Wine Resveratrol: From the Ground Up
by Luigi Bavaresco,Luigi Lucini,Matteo Busconi,Riccardo Flamini andMirko De Rosso

24. Body Position Modulates Gastric Emptying and Affects the Post-Prandial Rise in Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations Following Protein Ingestion in Humans
by Andrew M. Holwerda,Kaatje Lenaerts,Jörgen Bierau andLuc J. C. Van Loon

25. Effects of Postprandial Blood Pressure on Gait Parameters in Older People
by Shailaja Nair,Renuka Visvanathan andDiana Piscitelli

26. Nutritional Genomics and the Mediterranean Diet’s Effects on Human Cardiovascular Health
by Montserrat Fitó andValentini Konstantinidou

27. The Essentiality of Arachidonic Acid in Infant Development
by Kevin B. Hadley,Alan S. Ryan,Stewart Forsyth,Sheila Gautier andNorman Salem

28. Glutamine Modulates Macrophage Lipotoxicity
by Li He,Kassandra J. Weber andJoel D. Schilling

29. Premenopausal Obesity and Breast Cancer Growth Rates in a Rodent Model
by Shawna B. Matthews,John N. McGinley,Elizabeth S. Neil andHenry J. Thompson

30. Influence of Phenol-Enriched Olive Oils on Human Intestinal Immune Function
by Sandra Martín-Peláez,Olga Castañer,Rosa Solà,María José Motilva,Margarida Castell,Francisco José Pérez-Cano andMontserrat Fitó

31. Effect of Cocoa and Its Flavonoids on Biomarkers of Inflammation: Studies of Cell Culture, Animals and Humans
by Luis Goya,María Ángeles Martín,Beatriz Sarriá,Sonia Ramos,Raquel Mateos andLaura Bravo

32. Flavonoids in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Review
by Teresa Vezza,Alba Rodríguez-Nogales,Francesca Algieri,Maria Pilar Utrilla,Maria Elena Rodriguez-Cabezas andJulio Galvez

33. Algorithms to Improve the Prediction of Postprandial Insulinaemia in Response to Common Foods
by Kirstine J. Bell,Peter Petocz,Stephen Colagiuri andJennie C. Brand-Miller

34. The Potential of an in Vitro Digestion Method for Predicting Glycemic Response of Foods and Meals
by Konstantina Argyri,Adelais Athanasatou,Maria Bouga andMaria Kapsokefalou

35. MADD-FOLH1 Polymorphisms and Their Haplotypes with Serum Lipid Levels and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease and Ischemic Stroke in a Chinese Han Population
by Dong-Feng Wu,Rui-Xing Yin,Xiao-Li Cao,Feng Huang,Jin-Zhen Wu andWu-Xian Chen

36. Associations between Macronutrient Intake and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea as Well as Self-Reported Sleep Symptoms: Results from a Cohort of Community Dwelling Australian Men
by Yingting Cao,Gary Wittert,Anne W. Taylor,Robert Adams andZumin Shi


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Volume 8, Issue 4 (April 2016)
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