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Nutrients - Volume 8, Issue 1 (January 2016)

Nutrients (ISSN 2072-6643) is an international, peer-reviewed open access advanced forum for publishing studies related to Human Nutrition. It publishes reviews, regular research papers and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their results in as much detail as possible. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.

Electronic files, software or other material, if unsuitable for publication as part of a manuscript, can be deposited as supplementary material.

Nutrients will consider manuscripts for publication that provide novel insights into the impacts of nutrition on human health or novel methods for assessing nutritional status. This includes manuscripts describing the outcomes of animal studies that have relevance to human health.

Manuscripts in the following subject areas will be considered for publication.


1. Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Nutrients in 2015
by Nutrients Editorial Office

2. Effect of Cudrania tricuspidata and Kaempferol in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Inflammation and Hepatic Insulin Resistance in HepG2 Cells
by Ok-Kyung Kim,Woojin Jun andJeongmin Lee

3. Korean Pine Nut Oil Attenuated Hepatic Triacylglycerol Accumulation in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice
by Soyoung Park,Sunhye Shin,Yeseo Lim,Jae Hoon Shin,Je Kyung Seong andSung Nim Han

4. Fish, Long-Chain n-3 PUFA and Incidence of Elevated Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
by Bo Yang,Mei-Qi Shi,Zi-Hao Li,Jian-Jun Yang andDuo Li

5. Chicken Essence for Cognitive Function Improvement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
by Siew Li Teoh,Suthinee Sudfangsai,Pisake Lumbiganon,Malinee Laopaiboon,Nai Ming Lai andNathorn Chaiyakunapruk

6. Influence of Tryptophan and Serotonin on Mood and Cognition with a Possible Role of the Gut-Brain Axis
by Trisha A. Jenkins,Jason C. D. Nguyen,Kate E. Polglaze andPaul P. Bertrand

7. Docosahexaenoic Acid Ameliorates Fructose-Induced Hepatic Steatosis Involving ER Stress Response in Primary Mouse Hepatocytes
by Jinying Zheng,Chuan Peng,Yanbiao Ai,Heng Wang,Xiaoqiu Xiao andJibin Li

8. Anti-Stress, Behavioural and Magnetoencephalography Effects of an l-Theanine-Based Nutrient Drink: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial
by David J. White,Suzanne De Klerk,William Woods,Shakuntla Gondalia,Chris Noonan andAndrew B. Scholey

9. Probiotic Soy Product Supplemented with Isoflavones Improves the Lipid Profile of Moderately Hypercholesterolemic Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial
by Daniela Cardoso Umbelino Cavallini,Marla Simone Jovenasso Manzoni,Raquel Bedani,Mariana Nougalli Roselino,Larissa Sbaglia Celiberto,Regina Célia Vendramini,Graciela Font De Valdez,Dulcinéia Saes Parra Abdalla,Roseli Aparecida Pinto,Daniella Rosetto,Sandro Roberto Valentini andElizeu Antonio Rossi

10. Cancer Prevention and Health Benefices of Traditionally Consumed Borago officinalis Plants
by María-Dolores Lozano-Baena,Inmaculada Tasset,Andrés Muñoz-Serrano,Ángeles Alonso-Moraga andAntonio De Haro-Bailón

11. Stability of Vitamin A, Iron and Zinc in Fortified Rice during Storage and Its Impact on Future National Standards and Programs—Case Study in Cambodia
by Khov Kuong,Arnaud Laillou,Chantum Chea,Chhoun Chamnan,Jacques Berger andFrank T. Wieringa

12. A Mobile Phone Based Method to Assess Energy and Food Intake in Young Children: A Validation Study against the Doubly Labelled Water Method and 24 h Dietary Recalls
by Christine Delisle Nyström,Elisabet Forsum,Hanna Henriksson,Ylva Trolle-Lagerros,Christel Larsson,Ralph Maddison,Toomas Timpka andMarie Löf

13. Aging Reduces the Activation of the mTORC1 Pathway after Resistance Exercise and Protein Intake in Human Skeletal Muscle: Potential Role of REDD1 and Impaired Anabolic Sensitivity
by Marc Francaux,Bénédicte Demeulder,Damien Naslain,Raphael Fortin,Olivier Lutz,Gilles Caty andLouise Deldicque

14. Impact of Diet Composition in Adult Offspring is Dependent on Maternal Diet during Pregnancy and Lactation in Rats
by Megan C. Hallam andRaylene A. Reimer

15. Effect of Polydextrose on Subjective Feelings of Appetite during the Satiation and Satiety Periods: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
by Alvin Ibarra,Nerys M. Astbury,Kaisa Olli,Esa Alhoniemi andKirsti Tiihonen

16. Therapeutic Potential to Modify the Mucus Barrier in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
by Jing Sun,Xiao Shen,Yi Li,Zhen Guo,Weiming Zhu,Lugen Zuo,Jie Zhao,Lili Gu,Jianfeng Gong andJieshou Li

17. Regulation of Intestinal Glucose Absorption by Ion Channels and Transporters
by Lihong Chen,Biguang Tuo andHui Dong

18. In Vitro Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Acids from a Commercial Aleurone-Enriched Bread Compared to a Whole Grain Bread
by Margherita Dall’Asta,Letizia Bresciani,Luca Calani,Marta Cossu,Daniela Martini,Camilla Melegari,Daniele Del Rio,Nicoletta Pellegrini,Furio Brighenti andFrancesca Scazzina

19. Protection against Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation/Reperfusion Injury in Cortical Neurons by Combining Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Acid with Lyciumbarbarum Polysaccharide
by Zhe Shi,Di Wu,Jian-Ping Yao,Xiaoli Yao,Zhijian Huang,Peng Li,Jian-Bo Wan,Chengwei He andHuanxing Su

20. Consumption of Whole-Grain Bread and Risk of Colorectal Cancer among Norwegian Women (the NOWAC Study)
by Toril Bakken,Tonje Braaten,Anja Olsen,Cecilie Kyrø,Eiliv Lund andGuri Skeie

21. Effect of Oat β-Glucan Intake on Glycaemic Control and Insulin Sensitivity of Diabetic Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
by Xiao Li Shen,Tao Zhao,Yuanzhong Zhou,Xiuquan Shi,Yan Zou andGuohua Zhao

22. Research Priorities for Fertility and Conception Research as Identified by Multidisciplinary Health Care Practitioners and Researchers
by Lisa J. Moran,Laura Spencer,Darryl L. Russell,Mary Louise Hull,Sarah A. Robertson,Tamara J. Varcoe,Michael J. Davies,Hannah M. Brown,Raymond J. Rodgers andRobinson Research Institute Consortium of Fertility and Conception Practitioners

23. Effect of Folic Acid, Betaine, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 on Homocysteine and Dimethylglycine Levels in Middle-Aged Men Drinking White Wine
by Daniel Rajdl,Jaroslav Racek,Ladislav Trefil,Pavel Stehlik,Jana Dobra andVaclav Babuska

24. GLP-2 Prevents Intestinal Mucosal Atrophy and Improves Tissue Antioxidant Capacity in a Mouse Model of Total Parenteral Nutrition
by Qiucheng Lei,Jingcheng Bi,Xinying Wang,Tingting Jiang,Chao Wu,Feng Tian,Xuejin Gao,Xiao Wan andHuijun Zheng

25. Systematic Review of Anthocyanins and Markers of Cardiovascular Disease
by Taylor C. Wallace,Margaret Slavin andCara L. Frankenfeld

26. Association of Dietary Sugars and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake with Obesity in Korean Children and Adolescents
by Kyungho Ha,Sangwon Chung,Haeng-Shin Lee,Cho-il Kim,Hyojee Joung,Hee-Young Paik andYoonJu Song

27. Changes in Expression of Genes Regulating Airway Inflammation Following a High-Fat Mixed Meal in Asthmatics
by Qian Li,Katherine J. Baines,Peter G. Gibson andLisa G. Wood

28. Impact of Multi-Micronutrient Fortified Rice on Hemoglobin, Iron and Vitamin A Status of Cambodian Schoolchildren: a Double-Blind Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
by Marlène Perignon,Marion Fiorentino,Khov Kuong,Marjoleine A. Dijkhuizen,Kurt Burja,Megan Parker,Chhoun Chamnan,Jacques Berger andFrank T. Wieringa

29. Ageing Is Associated with Decreases in Appetite and Energy Intake—A Meta-Analysis in Healthy Adults
by Caroline Giezenaar,Ian Chapman,Natalie Luscombe-Marsh,Christine Feinle-Bisset,Michael Horowitz andStijn Soenen

30. Vitamin D Dietary Intake Questionnaire Validation Conducted among Young Polish Women
by Dominika Głąbska,Dominika Guzek,Patrycja Sidor andDariusz Włodarek

31. Quercetin Attenuates Chronic Ethanol-Induced Hepatic Mitochondrial Damage through Enhanced Mitophagy
by Xiao Yu,Yanyan Xu,Shanshan Zhang,Jian Sun,Peiyi Liu,Lin Xiao,Yuhan Tang,Liegang Liu andPing Yao

32. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Activation is Associated with Altered Plasma One-Carbon Metabolites and B-Vitamin Status in Rats
by Vegard Lysne,Elin Strand,Gard F. T. Svingen,Bodil Bjørndal,Eva R. Pedersen,Øivind Midttun,Thomas Olsen,Per M. Ueland,Rolf K. Berge andOttar Nygård

33. Polyphenols and Glycemic Control
by Yoona Kim,Jennifer B. Keogh andPeter M. Clifton

34. Maternal Nutrition and Glycaemic Index during Pregnancy Impacts on Offspring Adiposity at 6 Months of Age—Analysis from the ROLO Randomised Controlled Trial
by Mary K. Horan,Ciara A. McGowan,Eileen R. Gibney,Jacinta Byrne,Jean M. Donnelly andFionnuala M. McAuliffe

35. DHA Effects in Brain Development and Function
by Lotte Lauritzen,Paolo Brambilla,Alessandra Mazzocchi,Laurine B. S. Harsløf,Valentina Ciappolino andCarlo Agostoni

36. Plasma Free Amino Acid Responses to Intraduodenal Whey Protein, and Relationships with Insulin, Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 and Energy Intake in Lean Healthy Men
by Natalie D. Luscombe-Marsh,Amy T. Hutchison,Stijn Soenen,Robert E. Steinert,Peter M. Clifton,Michael Horowitz andChristine Feinle-Bisset

37. Effect of Glycemic Index of Breakfast on Energy Intake at Subsequent Meal among Healthy People: A Meta-Analysis
by Feng-Hua Sun,Chunxiao Li,Yan-Jie Zhang,Stephen Heung-Sang Wong andLin Wang

38. High Fat Diet Administration during Specific Periods of Pregnancy Alters Maternal Fatty Acid Profiles in the Near-Term Rat
by Marlon E. Cerf andEmilio Herrera

39. Significant Beneficial Association of High Dietary Selenium Intake with Reduced Body Fat in the CODING Study
by Yongbo Wang,Xiang Gao,Pardis Pedram,Mariam Shahidi,Jianling Du,Yanqing Yi,Wayne Gulliver,Hongwei Zhang andGuang Sun

40. Fatty Acid Desaturases, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Regulation, and Biotechnological Advances
by Je Min Lee,Hyungjae Lee,SeokBeom Kang andWoo Jung Park

41. Individuals with Metabolically Healthy Overweight/Obesity Have Higher Fat Utilization than Metabolically Unhealthy Individuals
by Arturo Pujia,Carmine Gazzaruso,Yvelise Ferro,Elisa Mazza,Samantha Maurotti,Cristina Russo,Veronica Lazzaro,Stefano Romeo andTiziana Montalcini

42. Greater Total Antioxidant Capacity from Diet and Supplements Is Associated with a Less Atherogenic Blood Profile in U.S. Adults
by Kijoon Kim,Terrence M. Vance andOck K. Chun

43. Rise in DPA Following SDA-Rich Dietary Echium Oil Less Effective in Affording Anti-Arrhythmic Actions Compared to High DHA Levels Achieved with Fish Oil in Sprague-Dawley Rats
by Mahinda Y. Abeywardena,Michael Adams,Julie Dallimore andSoressa M. Kitessa

44. Effects of a Theory-Based Education Program to Prevent Overweightness in Primary School Children
by Paul L. Kocken,Anne-Marie Scholten,Ellen Westhoff,Brenda P. H. De Kok,Elisabeth M. Taal andR. Alexandra Goldbohm

45. Altered Preconception Fatty Acid Intake Is Associated with Improved Pregnancy Rates in Overweight and Obese Women Undertaking in Vitro Fertilisation
by Lisa J. Moran,Victoria Tsagareli,Manny Noakes andRobert Norman

46. Low Calorie Beverage Consumption Is Associated with Energy and Nutrient Intakes and Diet Quality in British Adults
by Sigrid A. Gibson,Graham W. Horgan,Lucy E. Francis,Amelia A. Gibson andAlison M. Stephen

47. Concepts and Controversies in Evaluating Vitamin K Status in Population-Based Studies
by M. Kyla Shea andSarah L. Booth

48. Magnesium Levels in Drinking Water and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Risk: A Meta-Analysis
by Lei Jiang,Pengcheng He,Jiyan Chen,Yong Liu,Dehui Liu,Genggeng Qin andNing Tan

49. Regular Fat and Reduced Fat Dairy Products Show Similar Associations with Markers of Adolescent Cardiometabolic Health
by Therese A. O’Sullivan,Alexandra P. Bremner,Trevor A. Mori,Lawrence J. Beilin,Charlotte Wilson,Katherine Hafekost,Gina L. Ambrosini,Rae Chi Huang andWendy H. Oddy

50. Negative, Null and Beneficial Effects of Drinking Water on Energy Intake, Energy Expenditure, Fat Oxidation and Weight Change in Randomized Trials: A Qualitative Review
by Jodi J. D. Stookey

51. The Economic Impact of Lower Protein Infant Formula for the Children of Overweight and Obese Mothers
by Kevin Marsh,Jörgen Möller,Hasan Basarir,Panagiotis Orfanos andPatrick Detzel

52. Association between Blood Omega-3 Index and Cognition in Typically Developing Dutch Adolescents
by Inge S. M. Van der Wurff,Clemens Von Schacky,Kjetil Berge,Maurice P. Zeegers,Paul A. Kirschner andRenate H. M. De Groot

53. Associations between Sugar Intake from Different Food Sources and Adiposity or Cardio-Metabolic Risk in Childhood and Adolescence: The Korean Child–Adolescent Cohort Study
by Yang-Im Hur,Hyesook Park,Jae-Heon Kang,Hye-Ah Lee,Hong Ji Song,Hae-Jeung Lee andOk-Hyun Kim

54. Clustering of Dietary Patterns, Lifestyles, and Overweight among Spanish Children and Adolescents in the ANIBES Study
by Carmen Pérez-Rodrigo,Ángel Gil,Marcela González-Gross,Rosa M. Ortega,Lluis Serra-Majem,Gregorio Varela-Moreiras andJavier Aranceta-Bartrina

55. Role of Chlorogenic Acids in Controlling Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress Conditions
by Ningjian Liang andDavid D. Kitts

56. Cross-Sectional Associations between Empirically-Derived Dietary Patterns and Indicators of Disease Risk among University Students
by Stacy A. Blondin,Megan P. Mueller,Peter J. Bakun,Silvina F. Choumenkovitch,Katherine L. Tucker andChristina D. Economos

57. Severe Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome to Cow’s Milk in Infants
by Min Yang,Lanlan Geng,Zhaohui Xu,Peiyu Chen,Craig A. Friesen,Sitang Gong andDing-You Li


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Volume 8, Issue 1 (January 2016)
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