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Jurnal Ners - Special Issue - Vol. 15 No. 1Sp (2020)

The journal particularly welcomes studies that aim to evaluate and understand the complex nursing care interventions which employ the most rigorous designs and methods appropriate for the research question of interest. The journal has been publishing original peer-reviewed articles of interest to the international nursing community since 2007, making it one of the longest standing repositories of scholarship in this field.

Jurnal Ners offers authors the benefits of (1) A highly respected journal in the nursing field; (2) Indexed in major databases, such as SCOPUS, Science and Technology Index (SINTA); Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ); (3) Rapid initial screening for suitability and editorial interest. This journal is published and managed by The Institute of Innovation, Journals Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI). The link to the publisher is here.

Jurnal Ners has been accredited by the Ministry of Science, Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI RI) since 2010. The updated Accreditation Number: 85/M/KPT/2020, valid until 2024


Original Article

1. Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully for Advanced Cancer: A Systematic Review
Shenda Maulina Wulandari , Esti Yunitasari , Tiyas Kusumaningrum

2. Effectiveness of Mobile App-Based Interventions to Support Diabetes Self-Management: A Systematic Review
Dia Amalindah , Agnestria Winarto , Anggun Hidayatur Rahmi

3. The Influence of Impedance and Enhancement Factors of Discharge Planning Implementation at Hospital: A Systematic Review
Hari Soebagiyo , Nursalam Nursalam , Ahsan Ahsan

4. A Systematic Review of Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Depression In The Elderly
Nur Sayyid Jalaluddin Rummy , Windarti Rumaolat , Trihartuty Trihartuty

5. Systematic Review of Family Members in Improving the Quality of Life of People with T2DM
Gabriel Wanda Sinawang , Kusnanto Kusnanto , Ika Nur Pratiwi

6. A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake among Women in Low and Middle-Income Countries
Elok Faradisa , Husna Ardiana , Diah Priyantini , Anis Fauziah , Inta Susanti

7. A Systematic Review: The Experience of Patient with Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Mohamad Roni Alfaqih , Kusnanto Kusnanto , Padoli Padoli

8. A Systematic Review of Foot Exercises with Group Support to Improve the Foot Health of Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Rohmatul Faizah , Ferry Efendi , Suprajitno Suprajitno

9. A Systematic Review of the Effect of Social Support on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Post-Earthquake Adolescents
Glorya Riana Latuperissa , Wiwi Rumaolat , Inta Susanti , Fathmy Fitriany Soulisa

10. Supportive Care Needs of Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review
Irfan Wabula , Esty Yunitasari , Andri Setiya Wahyudi

11. Psychosocial Interventions to Promote Recovery for Patient With Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review
Iskandar Iskandar , Devis Yulia Rohmana , Ah Yusuf , Rizki Fitryasari

12. Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (PFMT) to Reduce Urinary Incontinence Post Radical Prostatectomy in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review
Dian Retno Pratiwi , Firda Yusniar , Ika Adelia Susanti , Tintin Sukartini

13. Contact Investigation and Preventive Therapy as Tuberculosis prevention in Children with Tuberculosis Household Contact: A Systematic Review
Apriana Rahmawati , Budi Utomo , Makhfudli Makhfudli

14. A Systematic Review of Supportive Therapy Effect on Quality of Life in Cancer Patients
Suharyono Suharyono , Suhendra Agung Wibowo , Ira Purnamasari , Tintin Sukartini

15. What Does it Matter? Factors in Occurrence of Elderly Abuse among Healthcare Workers in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review
Anis Fauziah , Husna Ardiana , Diah Priyantini , Elok Faradisa , Inta Susanti , Tintin Sukartini , Retno Indarwati

16. Non-pharmacological Therapy for the Elderly to Prevent Dementia through Cognitive Stimulation Therapy: A Systematic Review
Martha Lowrani Siagian , Retno Indarwati , Pudji Lestari

17. The Factors Associated with Successful Aging in Elderly: A Systematic Review
Inta Susanti , Glorya Riana Latuperissa , Fathmy Fitriany Soulissa , Anis Fauziah , Tintin Sukartini , Retno Indarwati , Arifal Aris

18. Effectiveness of Mobile-Based Health Interventions for the Management of Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review
superzeki Zaidatul Fadilah , Ika Adelia Susanti , Dwi Yoga Setyorini , Rifky Octavia Pradipta

19. A Systematic Review of Complementary Therapy for Treating Osteoarthritis
Ira Purnamasari , Suharyono Suharyono , Suhendra Agung Wibowo

20. Influence Factors of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Prehospital Time Interval Variety: A Systematic Review
Anggun Setyarini , Heni Dwi Windarwati

21. The Effects from Physical Exercise on the Blood Glucose Levels, HbA1c and Quality of Life of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Systematic Review
Novita Fajriyah , I Ketut Sudiana , Erna Dwi Wahyuni

22. Effect of Leg Exercise on the Lower Limb Circulation of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review
Ida Trisnawati , I Ketut Sudiana , Supriyanto Supriyanto

23. A Systematic Review of Fatigue in Type 2 Diabetes
Bayu Febriandhika Hidayat , Tintin Sukartini , Tiyas Kusumaningrum

24. Effect of Physical Exercise on Insulin Sensitivity and the Modifiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors of Patients with T2DM: A Systematic Review
Wahyu Sukma Samudera , Ferry Efendi , Retno Indarwati

25. The Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy on Patients with Schizophrenia or Another Mental Illness: A Systematic Review
Yuli Anggraini , Ahmad Wahyudi , Dutya Intan Larasati , Ah Yusuf

26. The Bullying Phenomenon and Handling Efforts in Reducing Cases of Bullying: A Systematic Review
Devis Yulia Rohmana , Kartini Estelina , Iskandar Iskandar

27. Effect of Combination Mirror Therapy and Cylindrical Grip on Self-Care of Post-Stroke Ischemic Patients
Bernadetta Germia Aridamayanti , Nursalam Nursalam , Iqlima Dwi Kurnia

28. Factors Related to Vaccine Hesitancy in Anti-vaccine Group on Facebook
Aisyah Nur Izzati , Budi Utomo , Retno Indarwati

29. Family Factors and Their Relation to the Treatment Adherence of Pulmonary TB Patients in Surabaya
Dhian Satya Rachmawati , Dwi Priyantini , Qurrotul Aini

30. Perceptions of Working Mothers Toward Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy
Sylvia Dwi Wahyuni , Budi Santoso , Mira Triharini , Novri Susan

31. Analysis of Implementation of Perioperative Care Instrument Based on Standards of Nursing Diagnosis, Intervention and Outcomes in Indonesia
Haris Widodo , Nursalam Nursalam , Erna Dwi Wahyuni

32. Factors Related to the Utilization of the Integrated Health Services Center for the Elderly
Sunik Cahyawati , Windarti Rumaolat , Nur Sayid Jalaludin Rumi , Wiwi Rumaolat

33. The Correlation of Spiritual Status and Anxiety Level in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Merina Widyastuti , Puji Hastuti , Sukma Ayu Candra Kirana , Nevinda Hervi Farendita

34. Improving the Fine Motor Skills with Embroidery among Children with an Intellectual Disability
Syiddatul Budury , Khamida Khamida , Siti Nurjanah , Triana Jamaliah Jalaluddin

35. Family Experience of Caring for a Diabetes Mellitus Patient: A Qualitative Study
Indah Wulandari , Kusnanto Kusnanto , Sony Wibisono , Titin Puspitasari

36. The Relationship between Internet Addiction and Insomnia in Student Class IX
La Rakhmat Wabula , M. Taufan Umasugi , Wa Ode Nurlina , Angga Miftakhul Nizar , Restiyana Agus

37. The Effectiveness of Religious Music and Digital Storytelling on the Level of Cooperativeness and Pain in Children During Invasive Treatment (Children’s Room, Zalecha Local Hospital, Martapura)
Iis Pusparina , Insana Maria , Raihana Norfitri

38. Mental-Emotional Disorder among Post-Earthquake Responders in Ambon Maluku
Cut Mutia Tatisina , Ahmad An Naufal , Hamdan Hariawan

39. The Correlation Between Stimulation, Nutritional Status and Child Development
Heri Saputro , Intan Fazrin , Eva Agustina Yalestyarini

40. Lived Experience of People Living with HIV/AIDS Undergoing Antiretroviral Therapy: A Qualitative Study
RTS Netisa Martawinarti , Nursalam Nursalam , Andri Setiya Wahyudi

41. Health Disaster Preparedness Using Android Mobile Based Application Case Mount Bromo Eruption
Mukhamad Fathoni , Fadly Usman , Septiana Hariyani , Eddi Basuki Kurniawan , Ah Yusuh , Christrijogo Soemartono Waloejo

42. Effect of Health Education on Mothers’ Knowledge in the Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infection in Toddlers in Waimital Village, Maluku
Ira Sandi Tunny , Idham Soamole , Suhendra Agung Wibowo , Ira Purnamasari , Wiwi Rumaolat

43. Perceived Behavioral Control and Intention Related to The Smoking Behavior of Early Adolescents in North Surabaya
Lisa Setyowati , Ika Yuni Widyawati , Sylvia Dwi Wahyuni

44. The Comparison of Self-esteem and Premarital Sexual Behavior in Teenagers between Ex-localization Areas and Surrounding Areas in Surabaya
Retno Indarwati , Clauvega Myrtha Sunarya , Elida Ulfiana

45. The Demonstration and Audiovisual Health Education Package (Demavi) Could Affect the Housewives’ Knowledge of First-Aid in Burns
Nutrisia Nu'im Haiya , Iwan Ardian , Siti Marfu'ah

46. Factors Contributing to TB at Primary Health Center in Sidoarjo - Indonesia
Totok Indarto , Tintin Sukartini , Makhfudli Makhfudli

47. Analysis of Accuracy Nursing Care Process Implementation
Tejo Trisno , Nursalam Nursalam , Mira Triharini

48. The Effect of Paradoxical Intension Session 1 Logotheraphy on Prisoners Anxiety in LAPAS Kediri
Lingga Kusuma Wardani , Byba Melda , Dhita Kurnia , Nurul Azizah

49. Family Support is the Key to Compliance with the Treatment of Relapsing Schizophrenia Patients
Betie Febriana , Wigyo Susanto , Dwi Heppy Rochmawati , Wahyu Endang Setiawati

50. The Analysis of the Roasting Tradition (Se’i/Nu), Maternal Hemoglobin Level and the Uterine Involution Process among Puerperal Women
Korbaffo Anita Restu , Novita Ana Anggraini , Nur Yeny Hidajaturrokmah

51. The Use of Olive Oil for Reducing the Complaint of Itching Related to Striae Gravidarum in Pregnant Women
Nita Dwi Astikasari , Riza Tsalatsatul Mufida , Shanty Natalia

52. The Influence of a Family Support Group on the Motivation of Drug Users Undergoing the Rehabilitation Process in Syifa Medika Clinic Addiction Rehabilitation Center
Joko Sutrisno , A Fawzi , Saifullah Saifullah

53. The Effect of a Cold Compress on Pain During the First Stage of Childbirth at BPM
Nur Hidayatin , Anita Dwi A , Erika Prawitasari

54. The Effect of Health Education on Gastritis Prevention Behavior Among High School Students
Muhammad Taufan Umasugi , Fathmy F Soulissa , Inta Susanti , Grolya R Latuperissa

55. Identification of Nursing Problems in Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Wikan Purwihantoro Sudarmaji , Nursalam Nursalam , Sartika Wulandari

56. Discharge Planning of STEMI Patients by Multidisciplinary Professionals to Improve the Health Services
Rahmatul Fitriyah , Nursalam Nursalam , Ita Maulidiawati

57. Knowledge and Skill in Relation to the Speed and Accuracy of the Nurses When Assessing Using an Early Warning System (EWS)
QolbiNur Q.Y , Nursalam Nursalam , Ahsan Ahsan

58. The Effect of a Combination of Group Therapy and Support on the Self-Efficacy and Deviant Behavior of Adolescents
Winda Kusumawardani , Nursalam Nursalam , Hanik Endang Nihayati

59. The Relationship between Parenting Style and Sexual Behavior before Marriage in Teenagers
Zubaidah Zubaidah , Insana Maria , Rusdiana Rusdiana

60. Health Promotion Strategies in Integrated Healthcare Program Park of Public Health Center
Kurniawan Edi Priyanto , Sutrisno Sutrisno , Mohammad As'ad Effendy

61. Correlation of Family Support with Quality of Life of Patient Chronic Renal Failure Undergo Hemodialysis
Rika Isdiarti , Iwan Ardian

62. The Effect of Storytelling on Ability to Control Violence Behavior in Early Childhood
Rana Skharninda , Wahyu Endang Setyowati


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Penerbit Uniersitas airlangga : Surabaya.,
Deskripsi Fisik
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Jurnal Nasional Online
Tipe Media
Link Internet Online
Tipe Pembawa
Vol. 15 No. 1Sp (2020)
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